The Hongwuhuan HG190-8B is a high - performance stationary diesel - powered screw air compressor, designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It offers outstanding comprehensive performance and is widely used in efficient drilling, pipeline te...
Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGT330-8 Hongwuhuan HGT330-8 is an efficient and reliable engineering machinery equipment, primarily used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical paramete...
The Hongwuhuan HGT450-8Y is a high - performance single - stage diesel - powered mobile screw air compressor, designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It offers outstanding comprehensive performance and is widely used in efficient drilling,...
The Hongwuhuan HGT330-8Y is a high - performance single - stage diesel - powered mobile screw air compressor. It is designed for heavy - duty industrial applications and offers outstanding comprehensive performance.This model is widely used in effici...
Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGS30-25 Hongwuhuan HGS30-25 is a high-performance engineering machinery equipment widely used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parameters: Main Fe...
The Hongwuhuan HG700-18C is a high - performance single - stage high - pressure diesel - powered mobile screw air compressor, designed to meet the demands of industrial applications. It offers outstanding comprehensive performance and is widely used ...
Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGT15-15 Hongwuhuan HGT15-15 is an efficient and reliable engineering machinery equipment, primarily used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical paramete...
The Hongwuhuan HG-190 is a high-performance stationary screw air compressor, designed to meet the demands of industrial applications. It is widely recognized for its outstanding performance, efficient energy utilization, and reliable operation. Pro...
The Hongwuhuan HGT15-15 is a high - performance portable diesel screw air compressor designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It offers a maximum air capacity of 15 m³/min and a working pressure of 15 bar, making it ideal for mining an...
Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGT800-20 Hongwuhuan HGT800-20 is an efficient and reliable engineering machinery equipment, primarily used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parame...
The Hongwuhuan HGT800-20C is a high - performance portable diesel screw air compressor designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It offers a maximum air capacity of 21/19 m³/min and a working pressure of 16/20 bar, making it ideal for m...
Introduction to HongwuhuanHG700-18C HongwuhuanHG700-18C is an efficient and reliable engineering machinery equipment, primarily used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parameters: M...
O compresor de aire é amplamente utilizado no corte con láser, maquinaria de construción de estradas, fabricación de cemento, tratamento de sumidoiros, téxtil e outras industrias, podemos ofrecer aos clientes solucións a medida, incluíndo o tamaño da forma, a entrada de aire e a posición de escape, o modo de refrixeración pode ser unha configuración flexible.
As plataformas de perforación son amplamente utilizadas en minas a ceo aberto, escavación de terras en enxeñería municipal, canteiras e outras operacións de perforación.
Hongwuhuan .JEGA B10 traballo nunha mina de carbón.
Varios 10 compresores de aire no lugar de escavación do túnel, infraestrutura eléctrica
En áreas áridas, perforación de pozos de auga e compresor de aire de parafuso portátil para lograr perforación, para resolver o problema da auga.
Os prazos de entrega se cumpriron sen problemas. O produto chegou en excelentes condicións. A calidade superou as miñas expectativas. O compresor de aire moi ben construído definitivamente comprará de novo e recomendaría a calquera que busque un compresor de aire diésel para mercar aquí.
A verdadeira fábrica chinesa, a calidade do produto é moi boa, colaborou durante moitos anos, é un bo provedor.