The Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C is a high - performance portable diesel screw air compressor designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It combines advanced technology with robust construction to deliver reliable performance in demanding environmen...
The Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C is a high - performance portable diesel screw air compressor designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It combines advanced technology with robust construction to deliver reliable performance in demanding environmen...
Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGT18-18C Hongwuhuan HGT18-18C is an efficient and reliable engineering machinery equipment, primarily used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parame...
The Hongwuhuan HG190-8C is a high - performance portable diesel screw air compressor. It is designed to meet the demands of heavy - duty industrial applications. This model combines an advanced Cummins diesel engine with a screw host, and uses a dire...
Product Overview The Hongwuhuan HGT15-17Y is a high-performance diesel-driven mobile screw air compressor, designed to meet the demands of heavy-duty industrial applications. With its powerful air flow, high-pressure output, and reliable performance,...
Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C is a high-performance engineering machinery equipment widely used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parameters: Mai...
Product Overview The Hongwuhuan HGT18-18C is a high-performance diesel-driven mobile screw air compressor, designed to meet the demands of heavy-duty industrial applications. With its powerful air flow, high-pressure output, and reliable performance,...
The Hongwuhuan HGT400-13Y is a single-stage, small diesel mobile screw air compressor, widely used in mining, construction, municipal construction, and other fields. Below is a detailed introduction to this model. Product Features Outstanding Perfo...
Hongwuhuan HG190-8B 37KW 190CFM lille diesel bærbar luftkompressor Specifikationer Produktoversigt HG190-8B er en kompakt og bærbar dieselluftkompressor fra Hongwuhuan, med en Quanchai-motor med en effekt på 37KW. Denne mod...
Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C 157kW skrueluftkompressorspecifikationer Produktoversigt Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C er en bærbar diesel-skrueluftkompressor, drevet af en 157kW Cummins-motor. Denne enhed er designet til tunge opgaver og...
HGT800-20C skruetypekompressorspecifikation Produktoversigt HGT800-20C er en robust, trækbar dieselskrueluftkompressor designet til tunge industrielle applikationer såsom minedrift, byggeri og storskalaproduktion. Det byder på...
Skruetypekompressor HGT400-13Y 118KW diesel bærbar luftkompressor til minedriftsrigge Produktoversigt HGT400-13Y er en højtydende, dieseldrevet bærbar skrueluftkompressor designet specielt til minerigge og andre tunge...
Luftkompressor er meget udbredt i laserskæring, vejbygningsmaskiner, cementfremstilling, spildevandsbehandling, tekstil og andre industrier, vi kan give kunderne skræddersyede løsninger, herunder formstørrelse, luftindtag og udstødningsposition, køletilstand kan være fleksibel konfiguration.
Borerigge er meget udbredt i åbne miner, udgravning af jord i kommunalteknik, stenbrud og andre boreoperationer.
Hongwuhuan .JEGA B10 arbejde i en kulmine.
Flere 10 luftkompressorer på tunnelgravestedet, strøminfrastruktur
I tørre områder, vandbrøndboring og bærbar skrueluftkompressor for at opnå boring, for at løse vandproblemet.
Leveringstider var opfyldt uden problemer varen ankom i fremragende stand. Kvaliteten oversteg mine forventninger meget velbygget luftkompressor vil helt sikkert købe igen og vil anbefale alle, der leder efter en diesel luftkompressor, at købe her.
Den ægte kinesiske fabrik, produktkvaliteten er meget god, har samarbejdet i mange år, er en god leverandør.