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Дизел ротациони вијчани ваздушни компресор ХГТ800-20Ц 17/20 бара 194кв рударски компресор

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The Hongwuhuan HGT800-20C is a high - performance portable diesel screw air compressor designed for heavy - duty industrial applications. It offers a maximum air capacity of 21/19 m³/min and a working pressure of 16/20 bar, making it ideal for mining and construction projects.

Карактеристике производа

  • Double Working Condition Design: One - key switch allows users to have two models with different exhaust volumes at the same time for one machine, bringing more energy - saving and practical experience.
  • Висока поузданост: Key components are produced by well - known domestic enterprises, ensuring reliable quality, stable pressure, and constant flow.
  • Преносни дизајн: Compact size, light weight, and low noise, making it easy to transport and install on - site.
  • Напредна технологија: Equipped with a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and a pump, this air compressor offers advanced features and precise control.
  • Тихо деловање: Дизајн без звука минимизира загађење буком, омогућавајући несметан рад у различитим окружењима.
  • Прилагодљивост суровим окружењима: Equipped with a heavy - duty fuel filter and large - capacity battery, it can operate in extreme conditions. In cold areas, an optional fuel - liquid heater ensures worry - free startup.

Поља примене

  • Грађевинска индустрија: Suitable for large - scale construction projects such as bridges, tunnels, and high - rise buildings.
  • Енергетика и рударство: Performs well in mining, water well drilling, and other energy - related fields.
  • Друге индустријске области: Also applicable for pipeline testing, municipal engineering, and more.

Сервис након продаје

  • Гаранција: Provides a 1 - year warranty covering the entire machine and core components.
  • Техничка подршка: Offers 24/7 online service, with sales engineers replying to customer questions within 24 hours until the issue is resolved.
  • Глобална подршка: Showrooms in countries like France, Germany, and India allow customers to easily access support and maintenance services.
The Hongwuhuan HGT800-20C is an ideal choice for heavy - duty industrial applications due to its outstanding performance and reliable quality.