HongwuhuanHG700-18C je učinkovita in zanesljiva oprema inženirskih strojev, ki se uporablja predvsem v gradbeništvu, rudarstvu, gradnji cest in drugih področjih. Spodaj so njegove glavne značilnosti in tehnični parametri:
The HG700-18C delivers an impressive 18 bar zračnega tlaka in 650 cfm of air flow, making it an ideal choice for demanding applications such as drilling rigs and mining sites.
With a robust design and lubricated components, this compressor ensures smooth operation and extended lifespan, backed by a 1-letna garancija for the entire machine and a 1-letna garancija for core components.
The portable design allows for easy transportation and setup, making it perfect for mobile applications on mining sites and drilling rigs. Its compact dimensions (4600x1980x2210 mm) ensure efficient storage and transportation.
Poganja a 194 kW diesel engine, the HG700-18C provides reliable and consistent performance, even in harsh environments. The 6CTA8.3-C260 engine model ensures efficient operation and reduced maintenance.
Proizvajalec zagotavlja video odhodni pregled in machinery test reports, giving customers peace of mind and confidence in their purchase. This ensures that the product meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.
Moč motorja: 194KW
Velikosti: 4600 * 1980 * 2210
Obratovalna teža: 3450 KG
Zmogljivost žlice: 0.9-1.5 cubic meters
Pritisk: 18 barov
Nazivna hitrost: 1900 Rpm
Hitrost v prostem teku: 1300 Rpm
Gradbeni inženiring: izkop zemlje, gradnja temeljev itd.
Rudarstvo: Izkop, nakladanje in transport rude.
Gradnja cest: izkop cestne podlage, kopanje jarkov itd.
Visoka učinkovitost in varčevanje z energijo: napreden sistem napajanja in hidravlična tehnologija izboljšata učinkovitost in zmanjšata porabo goriva.
Močna vzdržljivost: Visokokakovostni materiali in izdelava podaljšujejo življenjsko dobo.
Visoka prilagodljivost: Na voljo je več delovnih priključkov za izpolnjevanje različnih operativnih potreb.
The Hongwuhuan HG700-18C, with its powerful performance, efficient operation, and stable reliability, is an ideal choice for engineering construction. Whether for construction, mining, or road construction, it provides dependable support.