Hongwuhuan HGS30-25 huwa tagħmir ta 'makkinarju ta' inġinerija ta 'prestazzjoni għolja użat ħafna fil-kostruzzjoni, fil-minjieri, fil-kostruzzjoni tat-toroq, u oqsma oħra. Hawn taħt jinsabu l-karatteristiċi ewlenin u l-parametri tekniċi tiegħu:
This Cummins diesel engine air compressor is equipped with a screw-type design, providing efficient and reliable performance for demanding applications. Its 294 kW output ta 'enerġija ensures smooth operation in various industries.
The compressor is designed to work at pressures of up to 25 bar, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including construction works and energy & mining industries.
With a compact dimension of 3460x1960x1950 mm and a piż ta '4600 kg, this compressor is easy to transport and set up, allowing for flexible deployment in different locations.
The lubricated lubrication style ensures minimal wear and tear on the compressor's moving parts, extending its lifespan and reducing maintenance needs.
Dan il-prodott jiġi ma 'a 1-year warranty on both the compressor and its core components, including the engine, motor, and PLC, providing peace of mind for customers and ensuring timely support from the manufacturer.
mudell: HGS30-25
Qawwa tal-magna: 294 KW
Pressjoni: 25 Bar
daqs: 3460 * 1960 * 1950MM
Piż operattiv: Madwar 4600KG
Kapaċità ta 'l-Ajru : 1050CFM
Inġinerija tal-Kostruzzjoni: Tħaffir tad-dinja, kostruzzjoni ta 'pedament, eċċ.
Minjieri: Tħaffir tal-mineral, tagħbija, u trasport.
Kostruzzjoni tat-Toroq: Tħaffir tal-qiegħ tat-triq, tħaffir ta 'trinek, eċċ.
Effiċjenza Għolja u Iffrankar tal-Enerġija: Sistema ta 'enerġija avvanzata u teknoloġija idrawlika jtejbu l-effiċjenza u jnaqqsu l-konsum tal-fjuwil.
Durabilità qawwija: Materjali ta 'kwalità għolja u sengħa jestendu l-ħajja tas-servizz.
Adattabilità Għolja: Annessi tax-xogħol multipli disponibbli biex jissodisfaw ħtiġijiet operattivi differenti.
The Hongwuhuan HGS30-25, with its powerful performance, efficient operation, and stable reliability, is an ideal choice for engineering construction. Whether for construction, mining, or road construction, it provides dependable support.