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Diesel Screw Compressor HGT550-16C 16Bar 157Kw Air Compressor

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Introduction to Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C

Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C is a high-performance engineering machinery equipment widely used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parameters:

Karatteristiċi prinċipali

  1. Prestazzjoni Qawwija:

    • Equipped with a high-efficiency engine, it delivers strong power output, suitable for various complex working conditions.

  2. Operazzjoni Effiċjenti:

    • The optimized hydraulic system enhances operational efficiency and reduces energy consumption.

  3. Stabbli u Affidabbli:

    • Robust structural design and high-quality components ensure stable operation in harsh environments.

  4. Faċli biex topera:

    • User-friendly design with simple operations, reducing driver fatigue.

  5. Manutenzjoni Konvenjenti:

    • Modular design facilitates daily maintenance and servicing, minimizing downtime.

Parametri Tekniċi

  • mudell: HGT550-16C

  • Qawwa tal-magna: 157KW

  • Pressjoni:  16Bar

  • daqs: 3000 * 2020 * 2300

  • piż: 3000 KG

  • Veloċità Rated: 2000 Rpm

  • Veloċità wieqfa: 1300 Rpm

Oqsma ta 'Applikazzjoni

  • Inġinerija tal-Kostruzzjoni: Earth excavation, foundation construction, etc.

  • Minjieri: Ore excavation, loading, and transportation.

  • Kostruzzjoni tat-Toroq: Roadbed excavation, trench digging, etc.


  • Effiċjenza Għolja u Iffrankar tal-Enerġija: Advanced power system and hydraulic technology improve efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.

  • Durabilità qawwija: High-quality materials and craftsmanship extend service life.

  • Adattabilità Għolja: Multiple working attachments available to meet different operational needs.


The Hongwuhuan HGT550-16C, with its powerful performance, efficient operation, and stable reliability, is an ideal choice for engineering construction. Whether for construction, mining, or road construction, it provides dependable support.

