Hongwuhuan HGT330-8 is an efficient and reliable engineering machinery equipment, primarily used in construction, mining, road construction, and other fields. Below are its main features and technical parameters:
This rotary screw air compressor boasts an impressive 10 bar pressjoni u, 10 m³/min air capacity, making it suitable for demanding industrial applications. Its robust diesel engine ensures reliable performance in various environments.
Designed for convenience, this compressor features a portable configuration, allowing for easy transportation and setup in different locations. Its compact size measures 2880x1780x1760 mm, making it ideal for confined spaces.
With a lubricated design and mute operation, this compressor minimizes noise pollution and reduces maintenance requirements. The lubricated system also prolongs the lifespan of the engine and other core components.
A 1-sena garanzija is provided for both the compressor and its core components, including the PLC, engine, and motor. This comprehensive coverage offers peace of mind for customers.
The seller provides a video outgoing inspection u, rapport tat-test tal-makkinarju, ensuring that the product meets the customer's expectations and industry standards.
mudell: HGT330-8
Pressjoni: 10Bar
daqs: 2880*1780*1760 MM
Kapaċità ta 'l-Ajru : 350CFM
Inġinerija tal-Kostruzzjoni: Tħaffir tad-dinja, kostruzzjoni ta 'pedament, eċċ.
Minjieri: Tħaffir tal-mineral, tagħbija, u trasport.
Kostruzzjoni tat-Toroq: Tħaffir tal-qiegħ tat-triq, tħaffir ta 'trinek, eċċ.
Effiċjenza Għolja u Iffrankar tal-Enerġija: Sistema ta 'enerġija avvanzata u teknoloġija idrawlika jtejbu l-effiċjenza u jnaqqsu l-konsum tal-fjuwil.
Durabilità qawwija: Materjali ta 'kwalità għolja u sengħa jestendu l-ħajja tas-servizz.
Adattabilità Għolja: Annessi tax-xogħol multipli disponibbli biex jissodisfaw ħtiġijiet operattivi differenti.
The Hongwuhuan HGT330-8, with its powerful performance, efficient operation, and stable reliability, is an ideal choice for engineering construction. Whether for construction, mining, or road construction, it provides dependable support.