The Hongwuhuan HG-190 is a high-performance stationary screw air compressor, designed to meet the demands of industrial applications. It is widely recognized for its outstanding performance, efficient energy utilization, and reliable operation.
Karatteristiċi tal-Prodott
Ospitanti Effiċjenti: Equipped with a screw host featuring world - leading design, large - rotor and large - bearing design, no speed - increasing gear, and direct - coupled transmission. It achieves low - speed and high - capacity performance with an energy - efficiency level 5% higher than the national standard.
High - Quality Coupling: Fitted with an elastic coupling from a world - renowned German brand, offering high - torque transmission capability, high - damping performance, and fail - safe function to ensure stable and reliable machine operation.
Robusti u Durabbli: Full - hard - pipe connection with SAE - standard flange O - ring seal flange connection ensures leak - free operation.
Disinn Kwiet: The newly designed appearance with a high - strength base and hidden flame - retardant sound - absorbing materials effectively absorbs noise. The sound - proof box body, which conforms to acoustic principles, has a noise level far below the national standard.
Manutenzjoni Faċli: The internal space layout is rational, making maintenance and use very convenient.
Oqsma ta 'Applikazzjoni
The HG-190 is widely used in industrial manufacturing, mining, construction, municipal engineering, and other fields, providing a stable air source for various pneumatic tools and equipment.
Servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ
Assigurazzjoni tal-Kwalità: Il-prodott huwa ċċertifikat mis-sistema ta 'ġestjoni tal-kwalità ISO9001:2008, li tiżgura kwalità għolja u affidabilità.
Għajnuna teknika: Appoġġ tekniku komprensiv u servizz ta 'wara l-bejgħ huma pprovduti biex jiżguraw li l-klijenti ma jkollhomx inkwiet waqt l-użu.
The Hongwuhuan HG-190 is a stationary screw air compressor that integrates efficiency, energy - saving, and reliability. It is suitable for a variety of industrial scenarios and is an ideal air power solution for you.