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Kompresor Udara Sekrup Diesel

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Kompresor Udara Portabel 162kw 600/550cfm HGT15-17Y Kompresor Udara Sekrup Putar

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Ikhtisar Produk

The Hongwuhuan HGT15-17Y is a high-performance diesel-driven mobile screw air compressor, designed to meet the demands of heavy-duty industrial applications. With its powerful air flow, high-pressure output, and reliable performance, this model is widely used in construction, energy, mining, and other fields.

Fitur Produk

  • Keandalan tinggi: Key components and assemblies are produced by well-known domestic enterprises, ensuring reliable quality, stable pressure, and constant flow.
  • Desain Portabel: Compact size, lightweight, and low noise, making it easy to transport and install on-site.
  • Pemantauan Komprehensif: The operating status of the equipment can be fully monitored. The control panel and equipment status are clearly visible, ensuring the safety of both personnel and machinery.
  • Daya tahan: Equipped with a durable diesel engine and oil-lubricated system, ensuring stable long-term operation.

Fields aplikasi

  • Industri konstruksi: Cocok untuk proyek konstruksi besar, seperti konstruksi jembatan, terowongan, dan gedung bertingkat tinggi.
  • Energi dan Pertambangan: Berkinerja baik di bidang energi dan pertambangan, seperti pertambangan dan pengeboran sumur air.
  • Bidang Industri Lainnya: Juga berlaku untuk pengujian pipa, teknik kota, dan banyak lagi.

Layanan purna jual

  • Kebijakan garansi: Memberikan garansi 1 tahun yang mencakup seluruh mesin dan komponen inti.
  • Dukungan teknis: Menawarkan layanan online 24/7.
  • Dukungan Global: Dengan ruang pamer global di Meksiko dan Afrika Selatan, pelanggan dapat dengan mudah mengakses layanan dukungan dan pemeliharaan.
The Hongwuhuan HGT15-17Y, with its outstanding performance and reliable quality, is an ideal choice for heavy-duty industrial applications.